Featured Comics

Generation None
The Lost Seasons
Seeds of Deception
Bots of Honor
Allspark Sourcebooks

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Transformers Mosaic : The 1101

A little late on the news, but the fan project "Transformers Mosaic" released it's latest addition titled "The 1101". Just click on the picture below and you will be able to read the comic on DeviantArt.

The 1101 by ~Transformers-Mosaic on deviantART

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Generation None, The Signal Part 2

Generation None continues in "The Signal Part 2".

After discovering a stasis pod with an Autobot called Graph inside, Lieger and Beamer are now facing the most evil Decepticon of all : Galvatron.

View the story --here.--

Kris Carter's FanComics

Now that we have permission from Kris Carter, we can host and show you the Transformers fan comics he made a while ago : Courage Under Fire, Crisis of Conscience, Out of Time and The Best Defense/Offense.

You can read those right --here­.--

Don't forget to rate the comics as well, and let's hope mister Carter will one day create another masterpiece for the fandom.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bots of Honor : Larger than Super Robot Life

Bots of Honor added a new story entitled : Larger than Super Robot life. If you want to see their version of Scorponok and Fortress Maximus duke it out in the open, then you should consider clicking on the link to the story.

View the story --here.--

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Lost Seasons Double feature!

anThe Lost Seasons just released two new stories, one being illustrated by yours truly (That's me!) called "Much Ado About Nothing". It features Slugfest, who was barely ever seen in the original cartoon.

View the story --here.--

The other story is a one page with the title "Master Spy", featuring Ravage. The story was originally released as part of the Transformers Mosaic Project.

View the story --here.--

Monday, August 22, 2011


The "Bots of Honor" guys have posted their newest story over at the AllSpark. You can
read the story by going to the forums or following this link over here.

I strongly suggest you go take a look :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Signal Part 2, Page 11-12

Page 11-12 of the second part of "The Signal" is finished. Hope you enjoy them.

You can read the page 11 over -- here. --
You can read the page 12 over -- here. --

If you missed part one, just head on over here and read the entire -- thing. --
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